On The Bean

Me and coffee have a relationship that has grown rather complex over the years. It’s developed from a fun drink to have every decade to almost a need in the still of the night. Perhaps through some subtle addiction, I’ve grown to have a relatively low propensity to indulge in the caffeinated drink when available. My friends drink coffee. My mom drinks coffee. My dad drinks coffee. It’s a drink that seems to float around me and can you imagine my third cup of it was in 2019!?!

My first encounter with coffee was actually with my Aunt Kem in 2000 or maybe 2001. As a curious child, my aunt usually answered my questions with actions. I asked her about the beverage she was drinking, and she brewed me a cup for myself. She actually made one for my cousins and I! Fortunately or unfortunately, I never really needed coffee to start my day—especially as a child; I was a rambunctious youth full of stamina! But sometimes you have to walk through the fire, and this case was no different. I drank that coffee and in a matter of 15 minutes, due to my incredible metabolism, I was flying off the wall. I ran all over the house, outside, into the kitchen and up the stairs. I felt like I could run across the planet in 15 minutes with how much energy I had. Then I slipped and fell down the stairs. Yes, I fell down a flight of damn stairs. My aunt told me not to tell my mom, and I’m still not sure she knows this story. Luckily I was fine, but that was the last cup of coffee I had until…

In 2016, I interned for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) during the summer. It was a fine internship full of busy work and learning how to navigate the office setting. One day in particular we had to drive to Memphis incredibly early for a meeting with the CFC of that region. I believe we left around 6AM, and I had been up on a date until 2AM. Saying I was tired would be an understatement but here comes COFFEE! This time I didn’t fall down any stairs, but I managed to stay awake the entire drive to Memphis and the morning meeting with relative ease before crashing on the way home. This moment proved that coffee doesn’t necessarily need to be blended for fun. It can simply be a necessity.

After 2016, I didn’t really drink coffee again until 2019. My roommate at the time was an avid drinker, an aficionado of sorts that could make one outstanding cold brew. It was useful after a long night out with friends or restless morning.

The usefulness shifted when I discovered the delicacy of espresso martinis while partying in Miami. Coffee finally became more of a fun time rather than this novelty drink. I ended up partying until the wee hours of the night because of this powerful beverage, and I’ve grown accustomed to it in ways I never thought possible. I figured why not give you all a glimpse into my nightlife starter and ender. I figured why not give you a few ways to enjoy. I figured why not convince my subscribers to drink something that would keep them sleep deprived. I figured why not?

“The first martini is an espresso” - Drake (Middle of the Ocean)

traditional/simple espresso martinis & dessert coffee martini aka “dessert monstrosity”



  • 1oz. kahlua

  • 2oz. vanilla vodka

  • 1.5oz. espresso

  • 1oz. brown sugar simple syrup (1c brown sugar + 3c water + 1T vanilla extract)

    optional: coffee beans for garnish


  • 4oz. unsweetened medium roast black coffee cold brew (i used califa farms)

  • 1oz. kahlua

  • 2oz. vanilla vodka

  • 1-2oz. creamer of choice (i used brown sugar oat creamer from Trader Joe's!)

“dessert monstrosity”

  • 3oz medium roast coffee

  • 1oz. kahlua

  • 2oz. vanilla vodka

  • 2oz. brown sugar simple syrup

  • homemade whip cream (2c heavy cream + 1/4c powdered sugar + 2t almond extract)

  • 1-2oz. caramel syrup

    optional: ground cinnamon + chocolate powder + cinnamon stick for garnish

Helpful items:

  • cocktail shaker

  • measuring jigger

  • keurig/pour over/french press

  • medium funnel

  • small whisk

  • medium sauce pot

  • martini glasses (chilled)

  • measuring cups

  • whip cream dispenser w/n2o cartridge

  • coffee mug glass, double-walled (i got mine from Target!)

recipe (traditional):

  1. In a medium pot set to medium high, add brown sugar, water and vanilla extract. Whisk until sugar is fully dissolved. Set aside to cool.

    • Note: I added to a jar with ice to quickly cool the mixture!

  2. Make espresso coffee in desired fashion.

  3. In a cocktail shaker or mixing container of choice, add vodka, espresso, kahlua and simple syrup. Shake vigorously. Gently pour into chilled martini glass. Enjoy!

recipe (simple):

  1. In a glass or cup of choice, add vodka, cold brew, kahlua and creamer. Stir. Stir. Enjoy!

recipe (“dessert monstrosity”):

  1. In a medium pot set to medium high, add brown sugar, water and vanilla extract. Whisk until sugar is fully dissolved. Set aside to cool.

  2. In a medium measuring cup, add heavy cream, powdered sugar and almond extract. Stir vigorously. Set aside or add to whipped cream dispenser.

  3. Make medium roast coffee in desired fashion.

  4. Add desired amount of caramel syrup to bottom/sides of glass or cup; in a cocktail shaker or mixing container of choice, add vodka, coffee, kahlua and simple syrup. Shake vigorously. Gently pour into glass or cup. Stir. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with ground cinnamon, chocolate powder and cinnamon stick. Enjoy!



