This Is House Arrest

I’ve been stuck in the house for over a year now, and it’s been the best form of house arrest I could ask for. Albeit me losing my mind is a trade off, the benefit of having to force yourself into solitude is surprisingly peaceful. I’ve learned to embrace being stuck in this box. To some, our homes are the worse prison. You’re so close to being in contact with the outside world, but the barriers of the arrest have depleted any real hope. Hope gets lost as idleness continues to be found within these artificial boundaries. I beg you to challenge yourself to accept these walls as only ideals and outside as only a projection of what you consider paradise. Once the acceptance is over, you can release yourself from the ankle monitor of arrest and breathe new life. Paradise is whatever you make it. My bar cart is mine currently. Welcome, friend.

Music inspired me to talk about the concept of house arrest.

house arrest


  • 2oz. gin (i used Bloom, but The Botanist is also good)

  • 1oz. dry vermouth

  • 1.5oz. sour apple liqueur (i used DeKuyper)

  • 1.5oz. simple syrup

    optional: apple slice + cocktail pick


  • 2oz. sour apple liqueur (i used DeKuyper)

  • 1.5oz. simple syrup

  • 1.5oz. lime juice

  • ginger beer

  • optional: apple slice + cocktail pick

Helpful items:

  • cocktail shaker

  • measuring jigger

  • martini glass

  • cocktail pick


  1. Pour gin, vermouth, sour apple liqueur and simple syrup to ice-filled cocktail shaker. Mix. Mix well.

  2. Pour gin mixture into glass. Garnish with fresh apple slice. Enjoy!

recipe (virgin):

  1. Pour sour apple liqueur, lime juice and simple syrup to ice-filled cocktail shaker. DO NOT ADD CLUB SODA. Mix. Mix well.

  2. Pour gin mixture into glass and top with club soda. Garnish with fresh apple slice. Enjoy!


