Vegans like Sweets, too
Vegans. Vegans. Vegans. Sometimes you want to fight them for no reason other than their dietary preferences. Humans come from this omnivorous background of over-indulging in plants, animals and even fungi! We’ve survived off these various sources of energy since the dawn of time. However, there’s been a shift in the dietary nature of us for some time now. Times have changed, and food is more accommodating than ever. I’m sure vegans existed long ago, and their life was a living hell. Instead of having to scavenge through the local habitat to find edible vegetables, now we travel to the grocery to find those options; however, vegans not only have to traverse the grocery store but also discern at an incredible rate. Vegans eat as much as they read. So, I figured it was only right to make my first recipe about you all.
Vegans might be in the good graces of nature due to their herbivorous nature. But they still succumb to the same dietary needs of their omnivorous counterparts. Sugar! This recipe was made to prove one thing and one thing only: vegan doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. And the most relatable sweet is often the cookie.
Macadamia Nut Cookies are always good. They’re obsessed by some and baked by many. The sweetness of the cookie along with the crunch of the macadamia nut never fail to give that sweet + salty combination so many seek—even vegans. I wanted to bring that same emotional bite wrapped in a sugary packaging. I wanted to give you all the very essence of sweetness. Oh, chickpeas need love too, and they’re all the way in here. You ever heard of Aquafaba?
You remember your first kiss, right?! I don’t. You remember your first macadamia nut cookie, right? I do. But you don’t remember your first vegan cookie bite, right? I don’t, BUT you get my point. That’s purposeful. This cookie is, for many, their only option. And now I want it to be yours as well.
white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
1/2c Aquafaba (juice inside chickpeas/garbanzo can)
1/2c White Sugar
1/2c Light Brown Sugar
3/4c Vegetable Oil
1t Baking Soda
1t Sea Salt
1/4c Cashew/Almond Butter
1t Almond Extract
1t Vanilla Extract
2c Organic Unbleached Flour
1c White Chocolate Chips
1c chopped Macadamia Nuts
Add 1/2c aquafaba to a mixing bowl and whisk until beaten egg whites texture is met (high speed if you’re using mixer). Then, slowly add white sugar, light brown sugar, vegetable oil, almond extract, vanilla extract and cashew/almond butter until they’re well-bonded
In another mixing bowl, mix flour, baking soda and sea salt. Add the mixed ingredients to the mixing bowl in step 1. Mix it up.
If you’re not using a mixer, paddle everything until your arm gets tired. Then paddle some more.
On a parchment-lined baking sheet, add cookie dough balls with an inch of separation. Allow dough to sit for 4-5 minutes to flatten. In the meantime, set the oven to 350F. Then top your flatten dough with white chocolate chips and chopped macadamia nuts as you please (I recommend this to allow for a better experience, but you’re welcomed to mix them in the dough as well during step 3.)
Bake in the 350F oven until lightly brown
Place on wire rack and allow cookies to cool. enjoy.