MAYO (white)

What is the color white? Is it not the inclusion of all things that the heavens provide us?

A color so powerful, so simple, so triumphant, so frail. White makes the likes of soldiers cower in submission. White makes the infirmary welcoming. White makes us all fear the consequences of any drop of a liquid, any splatter of a sauce or any mistimed sip of a beverage. White is the tiring absence of darkness and the presence of light. Our fortunes make us fear this color when we dream. Dreams that can draw us closer to meaning. To purpose. To destiny, even. Why dream of a color that blinds you? Why dream of any color than white? Why dream at all? Our dreams have failed us over and over and over and over and over, yet we continue to take the action. We continue to volunteer ourselves into the darkness of sleep while being blinded by the white. Look into the white you coward! Stare! Marvel in its beauty! This might be your only chance to ever be blessed by the light. By the white. Don’t fret. It is a tool to mold the weak. It is a weapon to submit the strong. It is an excuse to due away the evils.

She is absolute. She is me. She is you.


homemade mayo


  • 1 egg

  • 1 yolk

  • 1-2c neutral oil (I used canola)

  • 1 whole lime, juiced

  • 1 1/2T white wine vinegar

  • 1T dijon mustard

  • 1t fresh black pepper

  • salt to taste

Helpful items:

  • 32oz. mason jar

  • mixer/kitchen whisk

  • measuring cup


  1. In small bowl/mason jar, mix egg, yolk, lime juice, white wine vinegar, dijon mustard, salt and pepper on medium speed.

  2. Slowly add oil in droppings. Allow mixture to emulsify. After mixture has come together, add oil slowly by pouring into jar. Enjoy!

    • I recommend adding extra oil if the mixture seems too thin. You can also let it cool in the fridge for 1-2 hours to see consistency levels as well!


(Red) Lotta Whole


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