Why so? Part 1/2

Why so serious? I’ll never forget seeing “The Dark Knight” in theaters with my siblings and my cousin. It’s one of my favorite movie-going experiences ever. The film was amazing along with the audience interaction. My mom bought us popcorn, the theater was packed, the sound was loud like all Nolan films, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire film. Experiencing Batman along with The Joker (RIP Heath!) left an impression on me that’ll never really disappear. Intensity is an understatement of how the scenes in that film made me feel at such a young age. Truly captivating. Seeing that red makeup slowly abandon The Joker’s face was the first thought that came to mind with red sauce. Cause why are people so serious in making the staple Italian sauce when it can be so easy?

Why so serious? Red sauce has been done over and over and over. There are cheap renditions, and there are superbly extravagant renditions. I try to make my red sauce recipes a happy medium. This red sauce, like The Joker, is intense in flavor, meticulous in conception and brutal in execution. Although, my recipe is a simplified rendition, it is most certainly still complex in execution. Red sauce has a mind of its own. The Joker was often maniacal throughout the film with a simple plan to cause chaos. This recipe isn’t chaotic, but I’m sure an Italian grandma might have a different view on that.

Why so serious? The cherry tomatoes is what makes this dish have such body. They’re juicy, savory and inexpensive like The Joker’s henchmen and money. I love cherry tomatoes especially ones locally-grown. Of course, a red sauce recipe can have meat; however, the cherry tomatoes were more than enough texture, character and body for me. To each their own. If this recipe doesn’t really satisfy that pseudo-Italian bone in your body, then you can look out for my serious red sauce recipe in the 2nd half of this special!

not-so serious red sauce


  • 24oz tomato/pasta sauce (plain OR traditional is preferred)

  • 18oz/pack of cherry tomatoes (sliced in halves)

  • 1/2 yellow onion (diced)

  • 3 cloves garlic (thinly sliced)

  • 1T dried basil

  • 1T dried oregano

  • 1-2T red pepper flakes

  • 1/4c parmigiano-reggiano (grated) OR parmesan (shredded)

  • 3T extra virgin olive oil (just pour to cover the surface)

  • salt & pepper to taste

helpful items:

  • wooden spoon

  • microplane grater

  • cooked pasta (penne, spaghetti or fettuccine)


  1. Pour olive oil into medium-size pan and heat to medium-high. Once olive oil is heated, drop diced yellow onion into pan. Cook until onion is slightly translucent. Add garlic. Cook for 1 minute. Add cherry tomatoes. Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes. Cook for 3 minutes.

    • Tip: I like to salt my sliced cherry tomatoes beforehand. It pulls water out of the tomatoes while also adding flavor. I salt them for about 5-10 minutes while the pan is heating OR while I’m dicing and slicing the garlic/onions.

  2. Pour tomato/pasta sauce into pan and allow sauce to reach simmer. Stir. Stir again. Fill 1/4 of the pasta/tomato sauce with water and pour into pan. Stir once again. Add basil, oregano. Stir again!

  3. Add grated parmigiano-reggiano OR shredded parmesan. Fold into sauce.

    • Skip this step if you want this dish to be vegan!!!

  4. Turn heat to medium-low. Allow sauce to simmer for 20-30 minutes OR until it thickens. Pan should reduce by 1/4.

    • Tip: If you want really good sauce, I would recommend 40 minutes at least. I like my sauce like my women—thick.

  5. Serve with al-dente pasta of choice! Enjoy!


Jerry “Fried” Rice

