You R Not A Mule

Food, water and shelter should be given and not earned. No Black Person—or human for that matter—should be treated like the mule of the earth. We deserve to have these basic necessities given to us without any form of labor. Work should be optional in this retched world we live in, yet we are forced to work for these needs and can barely afford them. Believe it or not, some people believe this should be the status quo for eternity. Aeternum.

Those people clearly have never starved. They’ve never gone without lights, clothes or water. They’ve never been a mule. There’s no way to escape the farm of labor without burning it down to free the mules. Free the humans. We deserve all these necessities and more. No one should ever feel like the mule of the earth.

mezcal mule


  • 1/2oz. mezcal (I used Vida Mezcal)

  • 2oz. tequila blanco (I used Espolon)

  • 1/2oz. lime juice, fresh (preferred)

  • 4oz. ginger beer (DO NOT USE THAT GOLDEN CAN)

    optional: sprig of mint + sliced lime for garnish

Helpful items:

  • cocktail mixing spoon

  • measuring jigger

  • copper mugs


  1. In a copper mug lightly filled with ice, add mezcal, tequila, lime juice and ginger beer. Mix. Mix. Mix.

  2. Add extra ice. Garnish with sprig of mint and sliced lime. Enjoy!


