Pop Pop Pop Pop

POPularity has always terrified me in a sense. It feels like this heavy burden to carry. Some standard that wasn't really created by you, but you must measure against it on a consistent basis. You have to show face, meet random people and uphold this façade of content for...content. I'm not going to assume every popular person is full of grief or internal turmoil, but it wouldn't be the wildest conclusion ever made. It's like popularity eats at your soul in a way. It consumes you. I've seen people lose their minds coping with it. And, as this blog's following grows, it terrifies me as well.

I fear my words will become weapons to others. This arsenal of somewhat well-written thoughts will be the tools that are used to harm others. Those aren't my intentions. My blog is only to give you a glimpse of my mind during certain points of my life past, present or future. I don't want to become this focal point of pop culture. I want to just make an impact to others that are hungry or maybe can relate to some of my misadventures or deep inner thoughts. If you're reading this, I ask that you try, maybe your very best, to not make me a celebrity; you should hold me accountable as well, please. Cherish my words. Devour my recipes. But don't allow me to become this tattered individual that is seeking fame rather than glory. Thanks.

homemade spicy herb popcorn


clarified butter:

  • 2c unsalted butter

spicy herb butter:

  • 1/4c clarified butter

  • 2 jalapenos, halved

  • 2 sprigs of rosemary

  • 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped


  • 1/2c popcorn kernels

  • 3T clarified butter

  • 1/2c kosher salt, blended

  • 1/4c spicy herb butter

    optional: grated parmigiano-reggiano/parmesan + parsley, roughly chopped

Helpful items:

  • measuring cup

  • hi-speed blender

  • 6-quart pot

  • coffee filter

  • strainer

  • grater

recipe (clarified butter):

  1. In a room temperature sauce pot, add 2c or 4 sticks of unsalted butter. Turn heat to medium high and allow butter to fully melt. Once butter is fully melted, lower heat to medium low and simmer for 10-13 while removing white foam that forms on top.

  2. Once butter has turned a dark golden color, pour through a coffee filter inside of a strainer into a measuring cup. Set aside.

    • If the straining method is taking forever to fill measuring cup, you can remove the coffee filter carefully to strain the rest of the butter.

spicy herb butter:

  1. In a pan set to medium low, add 1/4c of clarified butter. Heat for 1 minute and then add jalapenos, rosemary and garlic. Raise heat to medium high. Cook until garlic begins to brown BUT DO NOT BURN! Butter should start to smell fragrant. Remove from heat and pour through a strainer into a measuring cup to avoid butter having cooked items. Set aside.

kosher salt:

  1. Add kosher salt to a blender and set blender to HI until kosher salt has been grinded to dust. Pour into bowl or cup. Set aside.


  1. Add butter to 6-quart pot set to medium high. Cook for 30 seconds and then add popcorn kernels. Immediately cover. Continue to shake the pot vigorously over heat. You can also shake it in a circular motion. You should start to hear popping. DO NOT LIFT LID TO CHECK. Continue to shake or move pot in circular motion until popping sounds begin to lessen. It should be 3-5 minutes. Season with spicy herb butter OR clarified butter and kosher salt to taste. Garnish with parmigiano-reggiano/parmesan and parsley, but honestly you could eat this without the extras. It’s so good! Enjoy!




(PINK) Matter